Diamond Pickaxe in Minecraft: 9 Answers You Should Know!


Minecraft is quite a popular game in the gaming world. 

In the game, the diamond pickaxe is considered to be one of the strongest pickaxes. 

When a player uses it, numerous questions come to the player's mind! 

Generally, players find it quite difficult to find answers to such questions. 

To solve that issue, I've decided to come up with this article. 

In this article, I've answered the most common questions regarding the diamond pickaxe. 

So, without any further ado, let's start! 

1. How long does a Diamond Pickaxe last in Minecraft?

Normally, a diamond pickaxe lasts until you break around one-thousand-five-hundred-sixty-two (1562) blocks with it.

After you break 1562 blocks with it, the pickaxe breaks. 

2. Can you repair a Diamond Pickaxe in Minecraft?

It is possible to repair a pickaxe made of diamond in the game. 

There are particularly two ways through which you can repair it: 

1. Unit Repair

Through this way, you can increase the durability of the pickaxe by 25%. 

You can use an Anvil or a grindstone for this process. 

You'll have to use one diamond to increase the durability of the diamond pickaxe by 25%. 

Similarly, with two diamonds, the durability of the same pickaxe would be increased by 50%. 

However, if you use a grindstone for this purpose, the enchantments of the pickaxe would be removed. 

On the other hand, the Anvil does not remove the enchantments of the pickaxe when you repair it. 

2. Combining Items

In an Anvil or a grindstone, you can combine two diamond pickaxes into one and as a result, this will combine the durability of the two pickaxes into one. 

If you want to learn more about the process of repairing diamond pickaxes and other items in Minecraft, you can check out this youtube video by RajCraft.

3. How many blocks can a Diamond Pickaxe break?

Approximately, a pickaxe made up of diamond can break one-thousand-five-hundred-sixty-two (1562) blocks in Minecraft. 

You can use the Unbreaking enchantment to increase the durability of the pickaxe. As a result, it will be able to break more blocks without breaking itself. 

4. How many blocks can a Diamond Pickaxe break with Unbreaking I Enchantment? 

A diamond pickaxe with Unbreaking I enchantment can break around three-thousand-one-hundred-twenty-four (3124) blocks in the game. 

Unbreaking I increases the average lifetime of the pickaxe by around 100%. 

5. How many blocks can a Diamond Pickaxe break with Unbreaking II Enchantment? 

A diamond pickaxe with Unbreaking II enchantment can break around four-thousand-six-hundred-eight-six (4686) blocks in the game.

On average, Unbreaking II enchantment increases the lifetime of the pickaxe by 200%.

6. How many blocks can a Diamond Pickaxe break with Unbreaking III Enchantment? 

Approximately, a diamond pickaxe with Unbreaking III enchantment can break six-thousand-two-hundred-forty-eight (6248) blocks in the game.

The Unbreaking III enchantment increases the average lifetime of the pickaxe by around 300%. 

7. Can a Diamond Pickaxe mine Netherite?

A diamond pickaxe can mine Netherite in Minecraft. 

Besides the pickaxe made of diamond, a netherite pickaxe can also mine Netherite in the game.


8. Can a Diamond Pickaxe break Bedrock?

No, a diamond pickaxe cannot break bedrock in Minecraft. 

It is not possible for any pickaxe to break bedrock in the game.

9. How do you make a Diamond Pickaxe stronger in the game?

To make a diamond pickaxe stronger in the game, you'll need to enchant it. 

Some good enchantments for it include Mending, Unbreaking, Efficiency, and Fortune. 


In this article, I've answered nine of the most common questions Minecraft players have regarding the diamond pickaxe. 

Now, I'd like to hear from you: 

According to you, what is the best enchantment for a diamond pickaxe in Minecraft? 

Or, you might have a question.

Either way, feel free to let me know by dropping down a comment below! 


Raj Oberoi 

Raj Oberoi

Raj Oberoi is a gaming enthusiast who plays a wide variety of games. When not playing games, he loves to share his views and opinions about different games.

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